Genre: Documentary
Director: Ryan White, Joanne Storkan
Executive Producers: Joanne Storkan, Brant Davis
Produced by: Ryan White, Chris Siracuse
Eric “Dirt” McComber is a rugged individualist who provides for his large family by hunting and fishing the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory near Montreal. But he must straddle two worlds to accomplish his many business, family, and societal functions. Adding to this is his passion and
dedication to the sport of lacrosse, not just because of its modern-day significance, but also because it is the spiritual practice founded by his ancestors, the Iroquois of North America, who centuries ago played the game to honor the Creator as well as for the wellness of their native
Life was running smoothly, and through bartering and selling their food at powwows, they were able to maintain a good lifestyle. But when disaster struck, and struck hard, Dirt’s entire way of living was threatened. Dirt and his family are forced to reevaluate their business and become
resilient during a harsh Quebec winter and to prioritize what is truly important in order to preserve their way of life.